Westin's Cycles Presentation

Velociraptor Info

Velociraptor: Means "Swift Thief" or "Quick Hunter"
They lived during the late Cretaceous period when there were many flowering plants & most of the dinosaurs lived during this time.  About 80-85 million years ago.
They were great hunters & fast running, two-legged dinosaurs.  Their head was only about 7 inches but had about 80 sharp, curved teeth in a long, flat snout; some teeth were over an inch in length.  They may have been able to run up to 40 mile per hour for short bursts.
A full grown Velociraptor was about 5 to 6 feet long and 3 feet tall.  It had a stiff, hard tail that it used to balance when running and attacking.  It weighed around 15-33 pounds.
The Velociraptor's brain was large in comparison to its body size making it one of the most intelligent dinosaurs.
The Velociraptor was a meat eater; it most likely hunted in packs relying on its intelligence to outsmart prey.
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