Westin's Cycles Presentation

Velociraptor Cycle

1. Velociraptor Lays Eggs
     The Velocirapor lays eggs in a circular pattern in it's nest made of sticks.
     The incubation period of the eggs is roughly 10 days.
     Velociraptor Nest
2. The Eggs Hatch
     The eggs hatch after 10 days & the mother cares for & protects the young until
     they can care for themselves at around 3 months old.
     Velociraptor Hatching
3. Maturity
     The young Velociraptor reaches maturity in about a year's time.
     Velociraptor Grown
4. Adult Velociraptor Lays Eggs
     The adult Velociraptor will meet a mate & lay eggs of it's own.
     Velociraptor Size
5. Life Span
     The lifespan of the Velociraptor is estimated to have been 15-20 years.
     Velociraptor Skeleton
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